Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When the moon hits your eye...

Just a quickie today.

Sometimes a girl just needs some junk food.
What's a better junk food than the good old stand- by pizza?
Some of my non-vegan friends argue that a pizza isn't a pizza without cheese. But I argue that that with the right combination of ingredients you don't need the fattiness of the unnecessary product.
Sure with a pizza, I could pick up the phone and argue with the person on the other end about how or why I don't want cheese on my pie and how I want extra sauce and some olive oil drizzled on it, but why put myself out?

I'll make it myself.

Now i could have been all Martha Stewart- like and made the dough myself ( and one of thee days I will post the awesome recipe i have for the GREATEST homemade dough in the world) but screw that. I want junk food and I want it NOW.

At more grocery stores you can by pre-baked , whole wheat pizza crusts with a package of sauce on the side. Perfect.

This is my combo for the BEST salty sweet pizza combo ever!

Green pepper
Green Olives
Lots of Minced Garlic
Extra Sauce.
Olive Oil.

Drizzle the oil on the pizza after it's cooked through. It should take about 10 minutes in the oven.

The sweetness of the pineapple is offset by the salty flavour of the olives.
Give it a try and you wont even remember the pizza didn't have cheese.

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